Judges Area

For an accuracy competition to take place there must be officials and this includes judges. Judges are needed to observe, mark and measure the performance of a competitor. They ensure that the rules are followed and that competition results are fair and valid. Although there are different rules to be followed, the skills and attributes required from a judge are the same for both accuracy disciplines and many judges work across both. Judges work in a team, led by a Chief Judge and managed by the Event Judge. They are at the heart of the competition – the place where most of the action is.
In order to train as a judge, you need integrity, enthusiasm and willingness to learn, to be observant and to be able to work in a team. Although many accuracy pilots find that some experience of judging gives them useful insights, you do not need to be a flier. Non-flying partners, older children or other family members and friends of accuracy pilots can find it an interesting opportunity to also be involved in the sport. Classic accuracy competitions often rotate competitors with judging experience into the judging team but, in paragliding accuracy, pilots do not judge in official competitions, so a pool of trained non-competitors is essential.
The first steps in judging are relatively straightforward – learning to mark and measure the score and observe the first point of contact. Progress to more senior judging roles involves more knowledge of paragliding and of the rules and how to apply them. Initial training can be provided during practice sessions or by shadowing an experienced judge but, to progress to involvement in FAI competitions (paragliding accuracy only) you will need to take part in an official national training seminar, run in conjunction with a category 2 competition.
If you want to know more about what being a judge involves, you will find information in the judging codes (see links below): You can also contact the accuracy panel to find out more or to register an interest in training as a judge on the contact us page.

Classic Accuracy

The classic accuracy rules and judging code can be found below.

Classic Accuracy Rules Generic April 2024 (Template)

Classic Accuracy Rules EPAC May 2024 (Template)

Classic Accuracy Judging Code April 2024

Paragliding Accuracy

The link below takes you to the FAI Paragliding Accuracy Judges page.


The link below takes you to the FAI documents page where the relevant Section 7 rules can be found:

Section 7 - Common

Section 7C - Paragliding Accuracy Rules

Paragliding Accuracy Judging Code

Section 7D - Records & Badges

Section 7I - Guidelines and Templates
