As long as you have the BHPA Club Pilot qualification or higher you can join the squad on your first hour!
(Or join whilst you are still training and you'll be invited to our events to watch, help out with judging/launching, or even continue your training, with your instructor, at the event amongst the top accuracy pilots in the UK.)
All the dates are published on this website in the Events page. Normally the thursday before the event it will be called on/off depending on weather and participants.
Then during the event there is normally a day of training and a day for a squad mini competition for squad points. (weather permitting)
Normal start time is 9am, with a briefing for the site and the pilots. Then its non-stop training and flying until we can't anymore!
YES! Spectators are always welcome to come and watch, but feel free to ask the event coordinators (normally the squad managers) if they can join in by helping judge, record and launch throughout the day we are always looking for more people to help make the events run more smoothly for all.
Yes, once you are qualified to Club Pilot or above, you need to complete the squad registration, after that you can join straight in! However some sites we use do ask for all pilots to be members/registered, this is sometimes covered by the squad or may require you to become temporary members of that club but all this information will be in the description of those events on the Events page.
Parascending Squad Registration, Paragliding Squad Registration
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