Classic Accuracy

In Classic Accuracy there are UK club competitions, a National Championships and a European Grand Prix series where there are awards for individuals and teams of three pilots. All competitions are run to the same rules, and require two completed rounds to be validated. Club competitions usually have British league status and are open to all levels of pilots. Entry to the Classic National Championships is for Club Pilot (tow) and above, however, there is also a novice category for new club pilots and pilots without ratings. Pilots who have not achieved a Club Pilot rating will need to be accompanied by their own instructor at both the club and national competitions. The National Championships are always held in the UK, normally on the August bank holiday weekend, and usually form the UK leg of the European Grand Prix series. Therefore at the National Championships there are awards for best national and international individuals and teams.

The European Grand Prix series usually consists of three competitions in France, UK and the Netherlands. At the end of the series an individual and a team are crowned as European Grand Prix champions. All Grand Prix competitions have British league status. More information on competition dates and training dates can be found on the events page.

If you are interested in classic accuracy contact a member of the Accuracy Panel. There is also a BHPA Accuracy facebook group and a Parascending Accuracy Squad Whatsapp group.